مقالات مرتبط با PRF

 A comparative evaluation of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin (A-PRF) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) as a Scaffold in Regenerative Endodontic Treatment of Traumatized Immature Non-vital permanent anterior teeth: A Prospective clinical study

 Regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) is a promising treatment alternative for traumatized immature non-vital teeth. Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) contains significantly more growth factors than Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and has not been evaluated as a scaffold in RET. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare A PRF and PRF as scaffolds in the RET concerning periapical healing, and root development of traumatized immature non-vital teeth

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Advanced–PRF: Clinical evaluation in impacted mandibular third molar sockets

 This prospective study evaluated the efficacy and healing potential of modified formulation of PRF, commonly known as Advanced PRF (A-PRF) in impacted mandibular third molar extraction sockets. Materials and methods: 20 patients with bilateral impacted mandibular third molars were included in this study. Surgical disimpactions were done at 3–4 weeks interval in opposing quadrants of patient. One quadrant received A-PRF while the opposing quadrant in same patient was taken as control. Comparative evaluation was done in terms of pain assessment, analgesics required, swelling, soft tissue healing and trismus on 1st, 3 and 7day follow-up. Comparative assessment of bone healing was also done on 1st, 3and 6month follow-up

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Assessment of the Effect of A-PRF Application during the Surgical Extraction of Third Molars on Healing and the Concentration of C-Reactive Protein

Extraction procedures for mandibular third molars are performed all over the world every day. Local inflammation resulting from surgery, and the pain that patients experience, often make it impossible to take up daily life activities, such as work or sports. Growth and anti inflammatory factors, located in the fibrin network, have a positive effect on tissue healing processes and should also reduce local inflammation. Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) applied locally influences such processes as: angiogenesis, osteogenesis and collagenogenesis. It also affects mesenchymal cell lines and anti- and pro-inflammatory mediators. Due to the autologous origin of the material, their use in guide bone regeneration (GBR) is more and more widespread in dentistry. The results of previous studies indicate that the use of A-PRF in the treatment area significantly reduces postoperative pain, while the formation of edema is not affected. C-reactive protein (CRP), which is an acute phase protein, appears in the blood as a consequence of inflammation. Due to the dynamics of changes in concentration of CRP, it is a protein that is sufficiently sensitive and is used in studies to monitor the tissue healing process. The effect of A-PRF application on CRP concentrations, before and after surgery, has not been investigated yet. The study was conducted on 60 generally healthy patients. A faster decrease of CRP levels was shown in patients who used A-PRF after the procedure. Additionally, it accelerated healing and reduced the occurrence of a dry socket close to 0

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Comparative release of growth factors from PRP, PRF, and advanced-PRF

e use of platelet concentrates has gained increasing awareness in recent years for regenerative procedures in modern dentistry. The aim of the present study was to compare growth factor release over time from platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), and a modernized protocol for PRF, advanced-PRF (A-PRF)

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